Someone said the other day that they had saved a fair amount of money lately
because they haven’t been going out to eat. Take-out meals are available, but it
just isn’t the same. Having said that, it is a good idea to support local restaurants.
I don’t go out to eat a lot, but I do love reading menus. They don’t even have to be
restaurants I would go to; I just love seeing what they have. Many places are
reviewed on public sites like yelp. Those are unreliable because someone can
write an unfavorable review out of spite. Maybe they were in a bad mood; maybe
they hated the owner since Middle School. So, such reviews are not reliable.
Word of mouth is the best advertisement. The opinion of a trusted friend counts
for far more than any number of posts from random strangers.
This principle holds true for churches as well as restaurants. If you are reading this
on Facebook, please hit “Share”. This church means so much to so many people.
Why not share your experience with others? Let them know what a blessing we
have been to you; what a blessing we are and will continue to be. Invite them to
see for themselves.